Global Health Projects 2022
In 2022, our global health projects are focused on the areas of mental health, sexual and adolescent health, infectious diseases and non-communicable diseases. Our volunteers have a passion for creating change in that specific health area, and are often backed by their lived experience or their knowledge of the field.
Infectious Diseases:
Debunking the Myth Trivia
Through the Debunk the Myth trivia, our Infectious Diseases Team aims to bring awareness of infectious diseases and debunk common misconceptions with an interactive, entertaining approach. The competition was hosted online, consisting of two rounds over the course of two weeks, and the format included both multiple choices and short answer questions to encourage the discussion between team members and promote collaboration. The competition was well-received with 23 teams signed up and we hoped that this event has facilitated conversations around how these myths and misconceptions arise and emphasize the importance of science communications.

Mental Health:
"Your Mind in Colour" Competition

In 2022, our Mental Health Team launched our ‘Your Mind In Colour’ Art and Photography Competition which aims to promote the lived experience of those who experience mental illness and serve as a platform to promote mental health awareness and advocacy. A total of 32 art works were submitted and each reflected their personal connection to mental health. All artworks were deeply appreciated and showcased in our online gallery. In addition, a closing night was hosted to celebrate these artworks and featured panelists who shared profound insights into the intersections of mental health, arts and international student well-being. Our deepest appreciation towards Dianela Miskinis, Parisa Babazadeh Oskouei and Ash Winarizal for sharing their expertise and experience to the discussion.
Sexual and Adolescent Health:
My Body is My Own
Our Sexual and Adolescent Health Team launched My Body Is My Own, an open art competition which explores ‘bodily autonomy’. ‘Bodily autonomy’ is about having the power and agency to make choices over your body and future, without violence or coercion. Participants are invited to submit visual or written art which best explores the theme, and all acceptable submissions will be showcased on our online gallery, in public spaces around Melbourne and at an in-person exhibition event. These showcases thus serve as a platform where participants and the audience alike can gain insights into diverse experiences of bodily autonomy and encourage advocacy of wellbeing within self and community.

Change x Unzipped 2022 Conference:
Mental Health Workshop

In 2022, Global Health Youth Connect partnered with Change X Unzipped Global Health Conference by facilitating a workshop to explore the mental health of women from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) groups and how existing inequities affect their mental health. Two 60-minute session workshops were hosted across one day and were attended by over 40 delegates. In this interactive workshop, participants worked through the case study of a young immigrant woman who had recently arrived in Australia with her family. Delegates engaged in discussions examining the social, cultural and environmental determinants of mental health and explored strategies to support mental health at the individual, community and systemic level. In addition, Professor Manjula O'Connor joined the workshop as a guest speaker and shared her expertise on mental health and suicide in migrant young people.